Honey Sponge cake 1 kg 6 to 8 Portions – كيكة العسل الإسفنجية 1 كجم 6 إلى 8 أجزاء


Freshly baked honey sponge layers with custard honey cream dusted with honey powder.
طبقات عسل اسفنجية طازجة مع كريمة كسترد عسل مغطى ببودرة عسل.


Unleash your taste buds with our Honey Sponge cake! Freshly baked honey sponge layers are filled with luscious custard honey cream, creating a decadent fusion of sweetness. Dusted with honey powder, this cake is a daring adventure in flavor that promises to tantalize your palate with every indulgent bite. Perfect for those who crave something daringly delicious!

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