Fresh Mix Fruit Sponge cake 1 kg 6 to 8 Portions – كيكة إسفنجية بالفواكه الطازجة 1 كجم 6 إلى 8 قطع


Layers of sliced fruits layered between a moist vanilla sponge, topped with a variety of fresh fruits, and sided with sliced baked pista.
طبقات من شرائح الفواكه بين اسفنجة الفانيليا الرطبة، مغطاة بتشكيلة من الفواكه الطازجة وشرائح الفستق المخبوز على الجانب


Indulge in a symphony of flavors and freshness with our Luscious Fresh Mix Fruit Sponge cake. Crafted to perfection, this cake is a delightful ensemble of moist layers adorned with a generous assortment of seasonal fruits. The result is a creation that marries the delicate sweetness of the cake with the natural tanginess of the fruits, creating a palate-pleasing experience that’s both indulgent and revitalizing.


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