Chocolate Fudge Sponge Cake 1kg 6 to 8 Portions – كعكة إسفنجية بفادج الشوكولاتة 1 كجم 6 إلى 8 أجزاء


Moist chocolate sponge with layers of rich chocolate fudge and decorated with mini crispy core chocolate.
إسفنجة شوكولاتة رطبة، فادج شوكولاتة وشوكولاتة مقرمشة


Immerse yourself in a world of indulgence with our Chocolate Fudge Sponge Cake. Each slice reveals a moist chocolate sponge that practically melts in your mouth, seducing your senses with every bite. The luscious layers of rich chocolate fudge entwine seamlessly, creating a harmonious blend of flavors that leaves you yearning for more.

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